LSCSS Program


The PEACE program in the Lower Similkameen is one of 87 such programs in British Columbia which are funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. PEACE is part of the Stopping the Violence initiative in the province.

The name peace in The PEACE Program is an acronym for Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment. It is funded by The BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

Through further collaboration and consultation with specialists within the schools, the program seeks to understand the particular needs presented by students so that appropriate material can be shared with students in a way that will engage and empower.

The Program for Children includes:

  • Plans for ways to stay safe and for the self care of the child;
  • Lets the child know how it is that they are not at fault;
  • Provides support and encouragement;
  • Open up opportunities to share thoughts and feelings.

The purpose of the PEACE program for children is…

  • To help children learn healthy ways to express anger,
  • To help children develop positive communication skills,
  • To encourage the expression of feelings through talk, play, and creative activity.

The Program for Youth

Sometimes a young person may feel badly on account of things at home and between their adult caregivers. Just as likely, the young person may feel troubled with peers or their time at school. There are concerns that arise out of the onset of puberty and into teenage life. The PEACE counselling program, through conduct of group activities, seeks to engage with youth to see where some care and attention will help. We then find ways to get the special support the youth may need.

PEACE Program Counsellor, Dave Cursons, a retired Family Justice Counsellor came aboard with Lower Similkameen Community Services in 2005 as a part-time counsellor in The Children Who Witness Abuse Program, recently renamed The PEACE Program. Dave is knowledgeable and experienced in issues around family conflict and provides support and encouragement in one to one counselling to children and youth 3 years to 18 years of age.​ Dave is attentive, understanding, and respectful to children. He is also very responsive to their adult caregivers when family difficulties arise.

Dave is aware of the legal concerns that affect parents and children when their home becomes unsafe or when any legal measures have come into play.

The Violence is Preventable Program

This program is developed by the BC Society of Transition Houses and provides us the support and direction needed to deliver psycho-educational content to groups on matters like bullying, interpersonal violence, dating violence, racism, and responses to depictions of violence in media.

PEACE Counsellor

Dave Cursons

PEACE Counsellor

Signe Percevault

Related Links

Appointment line: (250) 499-2352, ext. 107.

BC Society of Transition Houses

Program Funder