Connect ~ Flourish ~ Thrive

LSCSS Program

Gustavson House Adult Mental Health

Gustavson House is a place to meet friends, share experiences, and participate in activities twice per week. Activities are FREE and targeted toward mental health goals, with emphasis on psychosocial rehabilitation and engagement.


Gustavson House provides its members with a positive, safe and supportive environment. It is designed to encourage individuals to increase quality of life through peer support, access to relevant information and opportunities to gain new skills, interests and friendships. Individual assessment and goal-setting support are available, as well as drop-in activities.

Activities Include:

Nutritional goals: healthy meals and snacks, trying new foods, cooking and baking as a group.

Support groups: Lived Experience group for sobriety maintenance, Men’s group, Art Therapy, Self-disclosure and sharing personal experience.

Physical Activities: Exercise groups, fun new experiences.

Self-reflective and Educational: Self-care, self-discovery, personal goal-setting and habit-tracking.

Social Groups: Conversation groups, games, crafts, sharing circles, book club, stories, new experiences and outings.

We offer:

  • FREE services,
  • Drop-in activities,
  • A casual, fun, social atmosphere,
  • Employment and volunteer skills training,
  • A focus on mental health, but it’s not a criteria to join.

Who can join?

Gustavson House is committed to removing barriers to mental health support. Everyone is welcome to join any of the activities, enjoy drop-in participation, or register for personal goal-setting sessions.

Volunteers Needed

Become a Gustavson House Volunteer Host. Support the MHP Coordinator in hosting drop-in groups. Duties include light meal prep, socializing with the participants, art prep, and more.

For further information, questions, or suggestions please contact our program director.

Program Coordinator

Signe Percevault

Signe Percevault

Community Counsellor

Program Funders