Connect ~ Flourish ~ Thrive

LSCSS Program

Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)

CPNP’s goal is to improve the health of mothers and infants! Programming aims to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women and new mothers including promoting healthy birth outcomes, breastfeeding support, and healthy life styles.

Pregnant women and new parents have a chance to connect. Parents are able to share their knowledge with one another, listen to guest speakers and get up-to-date information and support around pregnancy, birth, breast feeding, nutrition, growth, development and parenting. Families are able to access fresh vegetables, additional food security and prenatal vitamins.

  • CPNP is for: pregnant, breastfeeding, or guardians who have infants up to one year old.
  • The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) provides funding to community groups to help to improve the health of pregnant women, new mothers and their babies, who face challenges that put their health at risk, such as: Poverty. Teen pregnancy. Social and geographic isolation.

Program Director

Jocelyn Reaume

Early Years & CAPC Counsellor

Program Funders